15 Steps to a More Productive Workday

Each of us is unique and no process will work for everyone, but there are key things that you can do to improve your workflow.

1. Have a Task List for the Day
The best way to have an unproductive day is to work throughout the day without a clear definition of what you need to accomplish. Simply having a to-do list will go a long way in keeping you on track.

2. Prioritize Tasks
It’s important to not only create a task list, but also to prioritize the items that you’re looking to get done. Your tasks will differ from day-to-day, but it’s likely that you’ll have a few very important things that must get done, and then some others with varying levels of importance and urgency.

3. Place More Emphasis on Finishing Tasks Rather than Starting New Ones
It’s tempting to dig in to new tasks before completing others. By doing this you’ll usually be costing yourself more time and effort later when it comes to finishing those tasks and projects.

4. Know the Strongest Times of Your Work Day
Some people work best early in the mornings, others prefer afternoons or evenings.
Everyone has times of the day that are stronger than others in terms of focus and productivity.

5. Give Yourself Some Flexibility
There will be some days that don’t go quite as planned and when you don’t feel like you do most other days. Allow yourself to have some flexibility to change things around according to the circumstances.

6. Have a Specified Ending Time for Work
With a set ending time it’s easier to get moving quickly and to get more productivity out of each hour. Without a set ending time you will often find yourself working with a little bit less efficiency since you will feel like you have plenty of time.

7. Bulk Process
In order to achieve more efficiency and productivity, try to use larger blocks of time and get similar things done all at once.

8. Track Your Time
Tracking your time can help you to find inefficiencies and ways to improve your productivity. Without knowing how your time is spent, it’s hard to know how you can improve the use of your time.

9. Recognize Your Distractions
One of the first steps to working productively is to recognize your distractions.
In order to eliminate or control your distractions you’ll first have to accurately recognize and understand specifically what challenges you have when it comes to working productively.

10. Have Realistic Expectations
Taking on too many projects at once and trying to juggle too many different tasks will result in a cluttered work day with unimpressive results. Resist the urge to try to get too much done, and focus on what is currently on your plate.

11. Plan Your Next Day at the End of Each
Go through your to do list and plan on how to start the next day. If you wait till the next morning, you will waste time remembering exactly where you broke off the previous day.

12. Get Enough Sleep the Night Before
However, sleep is an important part of a productive schedule. Everyone functions differently in this area.

13. Eat Healthy
The food that you put into your body can have a big impact on your energy level and your feelings in general. So eating healthy foods will allow for better productivity.

14. Get Fresh Air

15. Work in a Comfortable Environment

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